Tuesday 13 August 2013


Erin was never really creeped out by those weird stories and urban legends about “Bloody Mary” and other things that come out of mirrors. But she was a little scared after seeing the strange bedroom mirror in her new house. She walked into the bedroom to unpack her things a bit more when she noticed something weird. The mirror would not come off the wall. It was drilled into the wall and it would cause major damage if it was pulled off.

She turned around to get her books out of a box when she thought she saw something. She turned around to face the mirror and looked closer. She saw a man standing there—staring at her and holding a butcher knife. He was wearing makeup like a mime and his hair was short and black and he had sideburns and a gotee. He looked just a little bit older than her (she was 21). It looked as though he was standing right behind her.

Erin screamed and turned around. No one was there. She was extremely freaked out. After a few hours she had almost forgotten about it. She went to the kitchen to get water to swallow her painkiller. She had gotten in a car accident and injured her arm, so she needed painkillers. She was reading the bottle when she saw something that relieved her. Side-affects may include drowsiness, nausea, and hallucinations. She let out a sigh of relief. She took the pills and went back to her room to go to sleep. She saw the figure there again but this time she knew it was just her medication acting up.

She got into her bed and realized something different. She could see the mirror. This time, she saw the person standing somewhere behind her bead. His arms were out and he was looking down at her. The knife was in his left hand. She looked above her head but there was no one there.

After this went on for a few weeks, she was so scared that she took herself off of the medication. She went into her room and sure enough, he was still there, in the mirror, with a knife. She was very superstitious so she went online and researched her house address. She found out that a murder had taken place in the bedroom, right in front of the mirror. There was a black and white picture of blood splattered all over the mirror. She was extremely scared. She went to a hardware store and bought a small pickaxe. When she got home she ran into the bedroom, faced the mirror, and started to swing the axe back to break it when all of a sudden the figure started to come closer. It looked as though it was bringing itself out of the mirror. She was so terrified that she dropped her axe. She was never seen again.

About two years later,a woman was thinking about moving into that very same house. She decided not to when she went into the bedroom, and she saw the image of a man in mime makeup, stabbing a young girl in the mirror.

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