Wednesday 30 October 2013


The Story Behind The Legend: A long time ago, probably around the early 1900s, there was a little girl. Her name was Mina and she had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was about ten years old and never left her room without her favorite little porcelain doll. She was loved by mostly everyone because she was so sweet and cute.

One day, a priest came to the city she lived in. He was from another country but no one really knew where. He was in his mid 30's and he kind of creeped everybody out a little bit. One day Mina decided that she was not going to be scared of him anymore. She looked up at him and smiled sweetly. "Hi.." she said "My name's Mina". He looked down at her. "Hello Miss Mina. My name is Viktor" he said to her. He knelt down to her level. "Have you been saying your prayers lately?" he asked. She was scared now because Viktor spoke with a gargling hiss to his voice and was sinister anyway. The scary part was that Mina secretly thought that all of this praying and worshiping was sort of silly. She believed in God, but she wanted more to play than to pray. "I must go" she said "Mother is calling". She lied. Her parents were both gone, she lived with her older siblings.

One night, her older brother and sister left her at home while they went to go visit a friend for an hour or two. When they came home, she was lying in her room, dead. She had been choked and her throat was lightly slit. She was still holding her little doll. Her killer was never found, but many believe that it was Viktor, the new priest. There was no evidence to prove that it was him, but who else could it have been, anyway?

The Legend: Legend has it that if you sit in a dark room, with all the lights turned off, she will appear . But there are certain steps you have to follow. Sit in the middle of the floor. Hold a doll (or a stuffed animal, whatever works) under your arm, and say "Miss Mina!" seven times. Some say that Mina will appear holding her doll under her arm. She will have hand prints on her upper neck and a scar around her lower neck. She is wearing a black and white dress and sometimes, it is said that if you are really lucky, She will appear holding Viktor's bloody hand, as he stands next to her. Sometimes you will only hear a noise, and some people can hear a scream. But I warn you not to do it, you might be Viktor's next victim.

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